Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lunch Bags: The Vinyl Frontier

I've been working on a new pattern for a re-usable lunch bag. Here's the first prototype. So far, so good. And I've discovered a very fun product: iron-on vinyl. Allows me to turn any of my cottons from my (very extensive) stash into a vinyl lining for the inside of the lunch bag. Makes it easy to clean and still super cute. Awesome.

1 comment:

the Erickson Boys (and One Girl) said...

Okay, so I have a renewed interest in blogs. I'll have to share Colleen's with you. I haven't done anything with mine, but I've been checking out everyone elses. So....I saw you're super cute lunch saks made of vinyl and it got me thinking....could you make snack saks out of vinyl?? ben and jake both have reuseable lunch saks but i have to send a snack everyday and it's usually in those plastic disposable snack sacks. but if you could make me some boyish ones out vinyl?????? what do you think? with all your extra time? miss you!!